User Manual

"payload": "${INOUT_STATUS}",
"qos": 0,
"retain": false,
"topic": "devices/${DEVICE_NAME}/messages/devicebound/"
"subscribe": [
"action": "${payload}",
"qos": 0,
"target": "REST_JSON",
"topic": "devices/${DEVICE_NAME}/messages/events/"
For more information about the M2M MQTT-flex API, visit the Support >
Download section of our website and see the following document:
MQTT-flex - description of NETIO M2M API interface - PDF
There are wide options for subscribe and publish sections and its
possibilities expand over the time.
You will find details and examples at our online resource center:
For more information and a practical demonstration of using the MQTT protocol with NETIO smart
sockets, see the following Application Note:
AN40 Getting started with PowerCable MQTT-flex via HiveMQ MQTT broker to mobile App