User Manual

Save Changes
Saves the changes.
When the Netio Push is enabled, other M2M protocols are disabled except SNMP. After clicking Save
changes, the notification message about the deactivation of the other protocol appears.
Data (payload JSON/XML) are automatically periodically sent to the target address using HTTP(s),
depending on the configured push period.
Output control over the NETIO PUSH JSON
Device is periodically connecting to the Target host http(s) server within push period (default
60seconds). It means the output can be switched only when the TCP/IP connection is established. In
default once every 60 seconds.
If the response from Target host is error code 200 (OK) and the payload contains valid NETIO JSON
structure with control command then the Output will be set accordingly. This way is possible to
control device even if this is in private network behind NAT.
The NETIO JSON structure is described in section M2M API Protocol JSON (REST M2M API).
For more information about the M2M HTTP(s) Push API, visit the Support
> Download section of our website and see the following document:
HTTP(s) Push JSON - description of NETIO M2M API interface - PDF