User Manual

5.8 Settings
NETIO PowerPDU can use the Ethernet connection (RJ45).
To ensure correct operation as intended, the device settings need to be properly configured. Select
Settings in the left menu to display a sub-menu with product settings.
5.8.1 Network Configuration
This section allows configuring the IP parameters of the PowerDIN 4PZ network interface, which are
essential for correct network operation. One of the options Wi-Fi / Ethernet or both can be configured
depending on chosen connectivity.
Figure 37 Network configuration - Ethernet
MAC address
Ethernet address of the Ethernet network adapter. Unique for each
device. Also] corresponds to the NETIO device serial number.
Connection status
When selected, the device attempts to obtain network configuration
from a DHCP server. If your network does not use DHCP, set the
parameters statically.