User Manual

Restart period
Specifies the interval for automatic device restarts. The restart does not
affect the state of the output.
Debug Log
Adds a DebugLog section with diagnostic values to XML and JSON M2M
Save Changes
Saves the changes.
Identifies a particular device. When clicked, the yellow LED no. 1 starts
flashing with pauses.
Reset Power Consumption
Resets the electricity consumption counters.
Factory Reset Defaults
Resets NETIO device to factory defaults. Follow section 4 to make the
device operational again.
Export and import device
Can be used to back-up and restore device configuration. Do not modify
the exported file!
“Export configuration” – shows a confirmation dialog for exporting the
device configuration and downloading it to your computer.
“Browse” – opens a dialog to select a configuration file for import into
the device.
“Import configuration” – shows a confirmation dialog for importing the
device configuration. After the import, the device restarts and the
imported configuration takes effect.