User Manual

SRU Installation
2-6 SRU Inst allat ion Manual 17286-1000 Rev. B 03/14/01
M10 Bolt
Mounting Plate
SRU Mou nt
Figure 2-1 Installing 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz SRU Mount
Install the SRU into the Yoke as follows:
Position the SRU as shown in Figure 2-2
Slide the SRU into the mounting Yoke, as shown in E rror! Reference
source not found.. The elevation stud with the nut washer attached should
drop into the slots on the mounting yoke.
Tighten the bolts to eliminate most freeplay, but not so tightly that you can’t
move the SRU in both directions (elevation and azimuth).