User's Manual Part 2

You can adjust the size of the text to suit how you read. Press up on the Navigation Pad when
reading to increase the text size, or press down to make it smaller. Or, if you prefer, you can open
the Display menu by pressing the MENU button and selecting DISPLAY. This menu lets you select
the text size you prefer, and also gives you a choice of two types of text — serif or sans serif.
NOTE:You cannot change the text sizes of menus, or screens like I’M READING or
The Overview page provides a brief synopsis of the book you’re reading, if one is available.
TIP: To go back to your book, press the center of the Navigation Pad or press left
on the last page of the Overview.
Navigate a book’s Table of Contents using the Navigation Pad. Highlight a chapter, then select it
by pressing the center of the Navigation Pad. This will take you to the start of your chosen
TIP: You can exit the Table of Contents screen by selecting RETURN TO
When you connect your Kobo eReader to your computer, you can add PDF documents to it by
dragging and dropping them onto the eReader. Your files can then be found in the D
section of your eReader.
Press up and down on the Navigation Pad to move up and down the DOCUMENTS list. If your list
of documents spans more than one page, press right and left on the Navigation Pad to move
between pages.
TIP: You can navigate to the links at the top of the page and move directly to the
first entry of the highlighted options. If the option is grayed out, it is not available
in your library (e.g., if the letter “E” is not available, you do not have documents
beginning with the letter “E” in their file name).
You can change the sort order of your PDF documents by pressing the MENU button and using
the Navigation Pad to select from one of the following options:
By File Name: Sorts documents alphabetically, by file name.
By Date Added: Sorts documents by the date they were added to the eReader.
By Last Read: Sorts documents by the date they were last opened.
Your eReader displays documents differently than books. You can zoom in and out of documents