User Manual

9. Disconnect: Stop WPS action and disconnect this active link. And then select the last profile
at the Profile Page of Utility if exists. If there is an empty profile page, the driver will select any
non-security AP.
10. Import Profile: Click the "Import Profile" button will import the WPS profile.
11. Delete: Delete an existing credential. And then select the next credential if exist. If there is
an empty credential, the driver will select any non-security AP.
12. PIN: Start to add to Registrar using PIN configuration method.
13. PBC: Start to add to AP using PBC configuration method.
14. WPS associate IE: If the "WPS Associate IE" option is checked, station sends a association
request with WPS IE during WPS setup.
15. WPS probe IE: If the "WPS Probe IE" option is checked, station probes a request with WPS
IE during WPS setup.
16. Progress Bar: Display rate of progress from Start to Connected status.
17. Status Bar: Display currently WPS Status.
Configure WPS profiles
The user can configure WPS profiles with either PIN method or PBC method.
PIN Method:
Step 1: The Registrar enters the pin code generated by station.
Step 2: Push the PIN button.
PBC Method: Push the PBC button within 2 second while the Registrar pushes the button.
Apply WPS configuration
The user can either acts as an enrollee to receive WPS profiles or a registrar to configure AP.
Act as an enrollee
A WPS enrollee can get profiles from AP by PIN method or PBC method. The received WPS
profiles are listed in the lower frame, and the listed WPS profile attributes are SSID,
authentication type, and encryption type.