User's Manual

Items Information
Status Shows the connecting status. Also shows the SSID while connecting
to a
valid network.
Extra Info Display link status in use.
Channel Display current channel in use.
Authentication Authentication mode in use.
Encryption Encryption type in use.
Network Type Network type in use.
IP Address IP address of current connection.
Sub Mask Subnet mask of current connection.
Default Gateway Default gateway of current connection.
Link Speed Show current transmit rate and receive rate.
Throughput Display transmit and receive throughput in Mbps.
Link Quality Display c
onnection quality based on signal strength and TX/RX packet
error rate.
Signal Strength 1
Receive signal strength 1, user can choose to display as percentage or
dBm format.
Signal Strength 2 Receive signal strength 2, user can choose to display as percen
tage or
dBm format.
Signal Strength 3
Receive signal strength 3, user can choose to display as percentage or
dBm format.
Noise Strength Display noise signal strength.
Display current HT status in use, containing BW, GI, MCS, SNR0, and
SNR1 value.