User Manual

AirMagnet A5200 Sensor User Guide
Hardware Warranty iii
(iv) Packaging requirements.
On all Products returned to Customer, Ai
rMagnet will affix label that
identifies Product, including model number, serial number, current
revision level, and RMA number.
6. Pricing and Out-of-Warranty Repairs.
There is no charge for in-warranty Repairs, except as provided in
Section 3. For each Product purchased under this Agreement,
AirMagnet agrees to make out of warranty repair services available
to Customer for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of the
one (1) year warranty period for such Product. Charges for out of
warranty repair services, upgrade kits, and spare parts will be at
AirMagnet’s published price list.
A5200 Sensor User Page iii Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:00 PM