User's Manual

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Z1 0 0 E
Bee Pro
- RF M odule
Product D escription
The Z100E is designed t o be SMD-m ount ed onto a host PCB.
SMD-m ount ing provides t he best RF perform ance at t he lowest cost .
Addit ionally t he Z100E is designed t o occupy m inim al board space on
the host PCB, which already includes plent iful int erfacing port s and
power m anagem ent circuit s. So it can be easily int egrat ed int o other
device wit hout t he need for RF experience and expert ise.
The Z100E operates in t he 2.4- 2.4835 GHz unlicensed worldwide
I SM band.
The Zigbee RF m odule Z100E
offered by NETVOX is low power,
2.4GHz I SM band t ransceiver based
on t he Em ber250 sin
le chip Zi
/ I EEE 802.15.4 solution.
The Z100E com es in t wo different
versions. The on- board chip ant enna
and on- board m etal antenna.
Z100E(Chip Ant)
Figure 1
Z100E(Metal Ant)