User's Manual

Frame payload Frame
16-Bit Enumeration 8-Bit Enumeration
0x09 0x00
ZoneStatus ExtendedStatus
(ClusterID: 0x 0500)
Values of the ZoneStauts payload
Attribute Bit Number
Meaning Values
0 Alarm1
1 – opened or alarmed
0 – closed or not alarmed
1 Alarm2
1 – opened or alarmed
0 – closed or not alarmed
2 Tamper
1 – Tampered
0 – Not tampered
3 Battery
1 – Low battery
0 – Battery OK
4 Supervision reports
1 – Reports
0 – Does not report
5 Restore reports
1 – Reports restore
0 – Does not report restore
6 Trouble
1 – Trouble/Failure
0 – OK
7 AC (mains)
1 – AC/Mains fault
0 – AC/Mains OK
8-15 Reserved
Values of the ExtendedStatus payload
Attribute Bit Number
Meaning Values
0-6 ZoneID
7 ZoneStatusChange Or Heartbeat
1 – HeartBeat
0 – ZoneStatusChange
5-7. Presence Tag
Z308 works as a presence tag. It is an ideal product to detect one’s presence within/ out of the network
coverage for safety purpose. Z308 periodically sends presence/absence report to keep a close watch on those
who wear it. The bound devices (with ID: 0xFE60) could calculate Z308’s location based on the RSSI values
between Router Devices and Z308.
The command list:
Bits:8 16 8 8 var
Frame Manufacturer Transaction Command Frame payload