
ombining the Neumann KK 104/105 S capsule
heads with the Sennheiser SKM 5200/SKM 5000 N*
Wireless System thrusts the legendary Neumann sound
into the wireless domain, thus opening up new dimen-
sions in sound for sophisticated live-performance engi-
Neumann KK 104/105 S Capsule Heads
for Sennheiser SKM 5200/SKM 5000 N*
Wireless Systems
In terms of engineering, the KK 104/105 S are based on
the KMS 105, 140, and 150 family of wired vocalist mi-
They inherit not only their outstanding tonal characteris-
tics and specifications but also their sturdiness and effi-
Application Hints
Vocals and speech on stage
Especially suited for in-ear-monitoring
Especially suitable with front-of-stage monitor
For feedback-prone environment
These are just some of the most common applica-
tions. We recommend additional experimentation
to gain maximum use from this microphone.
Delivery Range
for Sennheiser SKM 5200 and SKM 5000 N*
Wireless Systems:
KK 104 S (bk) Capsule head,
Padded nylon bag
KK 105 S (bk) Capsule head,
Padded nylon bag
KK 105 HD (bk) Capsule head,
Padded nylon bag
Catalog No.
KK 104 S ............................................ ni ................. 008534
KK 104 S bk ..................................... blk ..............008533
KK 105 S ............................................ ni ................. 008474
KK 105 S bk ..................................... blk ..............008476
KK 105 HD ....................................... ni................. 008559
KK 105 HD bk ................................ blk ..............008560
Selection of Accessories
Windscreen, WSS 100 .............. blk ..............007352
Meaning of color codes:
blk = black, ni = nickel
Neumann capsule head
engineering expands with
Sennheiser liveperformance
Cardioid (KK 104 S) and
Supercardioid (KK 105 S)
Low susceptibility to handling
Built-in, highly effective sup-
pression of popping noises
Easy dismantling for cleaning
Pure, open, and neutral sound
ciency in suppressing popping and handling
The Sennheiser SKM 5200 and SKM 5000 N
handheld transmitter are advanced versions of
the SKM 5000*, optimized for the Neumann
capsule heads, and ensuring reliable, interfer-
ence-free, high-quality transmission of the cap-
sule signal to the corresponding Sennheiser re-
The capsule and handheld transmitter are avail-
able with the typical Neumann nickel-colored
finish and in black. The KK 104/105 S pack-
age includes a spacious, roadworthy nylon