Product Info

10001045 REV B 29
Parameter Range
Frequency 2 – 10,000 Hz
Pulse Width 20 – 1000 µs
Amplitude 0 – 15 mA
The following table summarizes the maximum amplitude, pulse width, and impedance at two frequency settings.
(Hz, Hertz)
Maximum Amplitude
(mA, milliamps)
Maximum Pulse Width
(µs, microseconds)
Maximum Impedance
(, Ohms)
2 9 1000 1000
10,000 10 30 1000
*Therapy settings between frequencies of 2 Hz -10 KHz can vary depending on actual values for Impedance,
Current and Pulse Width
8.6 Expected Service Life
The Trial Stimulator should have an expected service life of 2 months using nominal stimulation settings and
allowing for a replaceable battery. The Remote Control should have an expected service life of 3 years allowing
for replaceable batteries.