Product Info

10001045 REV B 6
Leads: Leads are thin insulated wires that connect to the Trial Stimulator at one end and have small
electrodes on the other end placed near the spine. A small amount of electrical energy from the device
travels through the leads and to the electrodes near the spine.
1.2 Surgical Accessories
Torque Wrench: The Torque Wrench is used to tighten the setscrews that lock the Lead into the Lead
Extension/Adaptors, or to activate the retention mechanism on the Active Anchors.
Lead Anchors: The Lead Anchors are used to anchor the Lead to the fascia or supraspinous ligament.
Insertion Needle: The Insertion Needle is used during implant surgery to introduce the Percutaneous Lead
between the vertebrae into the epidural space.
Coiled Lead Blank: The Coiled Lead Blank is optionally used during surgery to clear a path for the
introduction of the Percutaneous Lead into the epidural space.
Stylets: The Stylets are used to maneuver the Lead through the epidural space to the desired implant
Magnet: The Magnet is used to power on the Trial Stimulator and pair the Patient Remote to the Trial
1.3 Compatible Leads
1.3.1 Compatible Nevro Leads and Extensions
The table below provides a list of all Nevro leads and extensions that are compatible with the Trial Stimulator.
2 AAA Batteries
Stimulation OFF Button