User Manual

10000891 REV 02
4. Insert the needle at an angle of 45° or less (pointing the needle in the direction of the target location) into
the posterior ligamentous complex at the desired vertebral level using fluoroscopic guidance.
CAUTION: Inserting the lead while the needle is at an angle of greater than 45° may damage the lead or
increase the difficulty of lead placement.
5. Remove the needle-stylet from the needle cannula and confirm entry into the epidural space using
standard methods such as loss of resistance. Verify needle location using fluoroscopy.
In order to advance the lead easier, you may insert the lead blank through the needle and then
withdraw it. Use fluoroscopic guidance.
Prior to inserting the lead into the needle, ensure that the stylet is fully inserted and extended to the
tip of the lead to ensure optimal steering of the lead.
6. With the stylet in the lead, slowly advance the lead into the epidural space.
7. Advance the lead to the appropriate vertebral level using fluoroscopic guidance. Rotate the stylet as
necessary to steer the lead.
CAUTION: If implanting a second lead, use care when inserting the second needle to prevent damage the first
4.2.2 Surgical Lead Placement
Refer to the Surgical Lead Manual (PN 12027) for instructions regarding surgical lead placement.
1. After the lead is in the desired location, you can attach the leads to the Trial Stimulator to perform intra-
operative testing. Ensure the Trial Stimulator is OFF.
2. Make sure Lead Door 1 is unlocked (orange markings below the door are visible). If Lead Door 1 is
locked, push the door up using the lip at the edge of the door to unlock it.
Door Unlocked
Lead Port 2
Lead Port 1