User Manual

10000890 REV 02
SCS therapy has helped many people, but you must be willing to share information with your doctor for best
results. Keep the name and phone number of your doctor and/or healthcare professional (technician) near you, at
home, and at work, so that you or others can get in touch with him or her quickly if need be. Tell your family and
other individuals close to you about your Senza Bluetooth Trial System in the event that they ever have to assist
you or become involved on your behalf during a medical event.
Contact your doctor promptly if:
You feel unusual pain or discomfort during stimulation. (Turn stimulation OFF right away).
The implant site is swollen, reddened, irritated, tender, or painful.
You experience any unusual symptoms that you think may be related to the device.
If you have a medical emergency, do not call your doctor. Call 911 and seek emergency help.
Ask your doctor or other healthcare professional for help if you have any trouble:
Using the Remote Control
Using the Trial Stimulator
Adjusting your therapy
Discuss with your doctor any changes in:
Your condition
Your response to therapy