User Manual

10000890 REV 02
The Senza Bluetooth Trial System works by delivering electrical energy from a stimulator to an area around the
spine. The system is capable of delivering HF10® therapy, a therapy that does not produce tingling sensations
called paresthesia. It is also capable of providing stimulation that produces paresthesia at some therapy settings.
For SCS therapy, a patient will typically first go through a trial phase to evaluate the therapy to see if it is right for
3.1 Major Components
Trial Stimulator: The Trial Stimulator (model EXTS3000) is a battery-powered, single-use, externally
worn device, used by the patient to evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulation therapy prior to getting a
permanent implant. The Trial Stimulator has connections for up to 2 leads with 8 electrodes each and can
be programmed to stimulate the nerves in the spinal cord through the electrodes on these leads.
Remote Control: The Remote Control (model PTRC3000T) is a handheld, battery-operated unit that
communicates with the Trial Stimulator using Bluetooth wireless technology. The patient can use the
Remote Control to turn stimulation on or off and adjust certain therapy settings, as well as retrieve the
current stimulation level and battery status from the Trial Stimulator.
Lead 1
Pairing Light
Remote Control
ON / OFF Button
Stimulation Increase Button
Stimulation Decrease Button
Level Indicator
Program Indicator
Battery Level Indicator
(Trial Stimulator)
Program Selection Button
Lead 2
Battery Door
Magnet Sensor