Install Instructions

Figure 17: 40mm Main Burner Flame
C. Check Gas Input to Boiler
rst two items in order to utilize the formula
below. The gas meter should then be clocked
for three (3) minutes with stop watch and
substituting the appropriate values in the formula
below, determine what the gas ow should be in
this 3 minute period to give the input shown on
the Rating Label:
Gas Input cu. ft. __________Btuh Input_________
per 3 min. = Heating Value Multiplier from
of Gas X Table 5
(Btu / cu. ft.)
D. Check Main Burner Flame. See Figure 17 or 18.
Flame should have a clearly dened inner cone with no
yellow tipping. Orange-yellow streaks caused by dust
should not be confused with true yellow tipping.
1. Input Rate and Maximum Inlet Pressure shown on
Rating Label must not be exceeded. Inlet pressure
must not be lower than minimum inlet pressure
shown on Rating Label.
2. All Rate checks and all adjustments are to be made
while boiler is ring - all other appliances connected
to the same meter as the boiler must be off.
3. With boiler off, water Manometer or water column
gauge should be connected to a shut-off valve
installed in the 1/8" outlet pressure tap in the gas
valve (See Figure 15). By installing gas valve
upstream of manometer, gas pressure can be
introduced gradually - without shut-off valve; surge
of pressure when boiler is turned on, could blow
liquid out of manometer. Replace plug in gas valve
when rate check is nished.
4. LP Gas Input:
Adjust Regulator on Gas Valve so that manifold
pressure is 10 inches water column. Turning
Regulator Adjusting Screw Clockwise increases
pressure. Counterclockwise rotation decreases
5. Natural Gas Input
a. Approx. Input - Adjust regulator on Gas Valve
so that manifold pressure is three and a half (3½)
inches water column (three inches water column
for high altitude). Turning Regulator Adjusting
Screw Clockwise increases pressure, Counter-
clockwise rotation decreases pressure. If more
accurate check on input is necessary see (b) .
For minor input changes readjust Regulator Gas
Valve to increase or decrease manifold pressure
to obtain corresponding increase manifold
pressure more than 0.3" of water to obtain rated
input, remove orices and drill one size larger.
Reinstall and recheck input rate.
b. Additional Check on Input - Since input is a
function of heating value, specic gravity, and
volume of gas ow contact your utility for the
Figure 18: 1 Inch Main Burner Flame
CG-D Series boilers built for installation at altitudes
greater than 2,000 feet above sea level have been
specially oriced to reduce gas input rate 4 percent
per 1,000 feet above sea level per the National Fuel
Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1. High altitude
boiler models are identiable by the third digit in
the model number sufx on the rating label:
CG_OD- _ _ 2: less than 2000 ft. elevation
CG_OD- _ _ 5: 2000 to 5000 ft. elevation
Avoid operating this boiler in an environment
where saw dust, loose insulation bers, dry wall
dust, etc. are present. If boiler is operated under
these conditions, the burner interior and ports
must be cleaned and inspected daily to insure
proper operation.