Owner Manual

Ensure you have followed the recommended steps on page 10.
Once your space has been prepared and all quarter rounds have been removed , line your tile
or plank along the edge of your baseboard.
This will need to remain the same along the perimeter of the room.
Quarter rounds will be installed once oors have been completed.
Option 2 : Installing NewAge Interior Flooring with pre-installed
baseboards and quarter rounds.
Installation Options
Option 1 : Installing NewAge Interior ooring before installing baseboards
and quarter rounds.
Ensure you have followed the recommended steps on page 10.
Once your space has been prepared , measure 3/8” from your wall and rst tile / plank. The
3/8” gap will need to remain as your expansion gap along the perimeter of the room.
Baseboards and quarter rounds will be installed once the oors have been completed.