User's Manual

Offline:Tap to view the diagnostic feedback for the upload failure due to network
problems.Once the network is restored,the system will automatically upload to the server.
Under the Diagnostic Feedback tab,tap the diagnostic record of the corresponding model
to enter.
Tap"Select File"to open the target folder,select the diagnostic log for feedback,and then
select the corresponding diagnostic feedback problem type.Input the specific fault
description and the specific feedback contact details in the text box.Then tap"upload
the log"to send it to us.We will follow up with your fault feedback report in time.Please
observe the progress of the diagnostic feedback and the results in the diagnostic
feedback history.
3.6 Others
Online store etc.
3.7 Upgrading
To make sure that you enjoy better functions and upgrade services,we suggest you
upgrade your software irregularly.You are prompted to upgrade the software when a new
version is available.
Tap" "to enter upgrading center.
Tap Upgrade to upgrade all the latest versions of the software.
Tips:During the upgrading,please keep normal network connection.It may take a few minutes to upgrade many
softwares at the frame time,please wait.