User's Manual

Main Menu
Main Menu
Main Menu
Main Menu
To access this menu..
(1) In idle mode, press [Main] to access the main menu.
(2) Scorll to [7.Entertainment] then press [OK].
* Tip : Press [7]key for shortcut
You can enjoy two games with your phone.
1. Cargador
Start: Continues the last game that you executed before.
Go to Level : Enters the level that you like to play, then
press [OK]. A total of 80 steps is provided.
Help : Shows the key map and the simple game guide.
* Tip : Using the side keys, you can adjust the game sound
while you are playing the game.
2. Blackjack
Start : Starts the game.
Help : Shows the key map and the simple game guide.
Press 1, 2, 3 to bet.
(Press 1 : 10$, Press 2 : 20$, Press 3: 50 $)
Press [OK]: HIT
* Tip : Using the side key, you can adjust the game sound
while you are playing the game.
The Avatar folder allows you to view and use the Avatar
characters that you have created.
* About the [Menu]
(The following options are available)
(1) Add : Add a new avatar item.
(2) Send MMS : Insert the selected Avatar into your MMS.
(3) Set as Wallpaper : Set the selected image as wallpaper.
(4) Delete : Delete the selected Avatar.
(5) Delete all : Delete all Avatar saved in your phone
(6) Rename : Write a new name
* Making a
(1) Enter Avatar.
(2) Selects the item category by using the stylus pen
(Hair / Face / Eyes / Mouth / Jacket / Pants / Extra)
(3) Selects the sub-item by rotating the jog switch
(4) Press [Save].
(5) Enters the name, then press [Done].