User's Manual

(4) Priority : Set the priority of message. Low, Normal or High.
(5) Auto save
(6) Slide duration
2. Retrieval Mode : You can select the mode between
Delayed and Immediate.
3. Filters : You can set the received message type:
'Immediate limit, Treat as delayed, Max size' .
* USSD Service
USSD is a GSM service that user requests services by
entering a service code(specific short digit or characters)
at the handset.
If you need more details, please contact your service
provider because the service code differs.
6. Templates
You can use it to edit the preset messages which contains
picture and or MIDI sound.
1. Press [ ] in the idle mode.
2. Scroll to [2.MMS] by pressing up or down navigation key,
then press [OK]. (Or press digit 2)
3. Scroll to [ 6.Templates] then press [OK]. (or press digit 6)
7. Settings
You can change the default multimedia message settings.
The following options are available.
1. Press [ ] in the idle mode.
2. Scroll to [2.MMS] by pressing up or down navigation key,
then press [OK]. (Or press digit 2)
3. Scroll to [7.Setting] then press [OK]. (or press digit 7)
* Settings detail
1. Sending
You can set the sending status of validity period, read
report,delivery report, etc.
(1) Validity period :
Sets the length of the time for your message will be saved
at the message center while attempts are made to deliver
them. Set on the 1 Hour, 12 Hours, 1 Day, 1 Week, Max
(2) Read report : When this option sets to ON, your recipient's
phone sends a reply to let you know when your message
was read by him/her.
(3) Delivery report : When this option sets to On, the network
informs you whether or not your message has been