User Manual

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35. Select GFX 1 on the Switcher’s Program row.
36. Select GFX 2 (or DDR, if you used that player above) on the Switcher’s
Preview row.
37. Click the first entry in both playlists (to set the current position).
38. Press GFX 1’s Play button, and watch the ‘hands-free’ slideshow.
Let’s consider what is happening:
When playback of the first GFX 1 playlist entry reaches its end:
o The Autoplay setting invokes an automatic transition to Still, and
stops GFX 1 playback.
o Then, unseen on Program output, GFX 1cues up its next playlist item.
Simultaneously, the GFX 2 player’s Autoplay setting initiates playback of its
first playlist entry.
When playback of that item is reached:
o GFX 2’s own Autoplay function performs another transition,
returning GFX 1 to the Program row
o And stops GFX 2 playback
o Then, unseen on Program output, the GFX 2 player cues up its next
playlist entry.
Next, GFX 1’s Autoplay setting automatically starts playing its next playlist
item. The cycle repeats until all items play through or is interrupted by user
TriCaster title pages can actually be added to any of the Media Players (apart from
the Sound player). Media Players can also display bitmap files exported from third-
party graphics applications (or overlay them in DSK channels, especially valuable
when the files are either keyed or have an embedded alpha channel).