User Manual

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You will see a name field for your session listed above the options pane at right
(Figure 95). You can click in this field to modify the default name (the current date)
using the keyboard.
The Template drop-down menu (Figure 95) lists all sessions currently available on
the system. If you select an entry, the session you create subsequently retains all
settings of the source session, but without content from its Media Player playlists.
A control labeled Volume appears just beneath the Session name. This assigns the
hard drive the session (and its associated content) will be created and stored on.
Note: When using TriCaster’s IsoCorder™ feature to record multiple sources, you will
likely assign more than one hard drive to capture duties. Session keep track of their
recorded clips too, providing easy access to them for live use.
Suitable hard drives inserted in TriCaster’s removable drive bays are listed in a
drop-down menu when you click on the Volume control. You can select any drive
shown as the session drive.
Note: External drives are not recommended for active use as session drives. See Section
A.1.8 for hard drive recommendations for use in TriCaster’s removable drive bays.