User Manual

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archived, click Restore Session Backup (Figure 99), and use the file explorer provided
to select a .SessionBackup file.
Click Open, and a progress gauge will track the restoration process. In due course,
the newly restored session will be added to the Session List for the specified drive.
Hint: Restoring a session that has a lot of content can take considerable time. Be
judicious, then, if considering a restoration shortly before a scheduled live production.
Just as you were able to select an icon on the ring using the left and right arrow keys,
you can highlight a name in the Session List using the Up and Down arrow keys; then
press the Enter key to open it (or simply click the name of a session to open it
Selecting a session takes you away from the Home Page to the Sessions Screen.
This selection provides Restart TriCaster, Shutdown TriCaster, and Administrator
Mode links. The first two options are presumably self-explanatory, but the latter
deserves a bit more discussion.
Selecting Administrator Mode from the Shutdown menu on the Home Page icon ring
exits TriCaster’s live production environment, and takes you to a new screen (Figure
100) that offers various functions and settings having to do with TriCaster system
maintenance and management.