User Manual

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Here are some other noteworthy facts related to output:
o For SD session formats, session aspect (4:3 or 16:9) is respected on output
(e.g., when the session is SD 16:9, video output is also 16:9).
o For HD sessions (which are always 16:9), SD video from Output 2 (and any
output set to Follow 2) can use either a 16:9 image aspect or as (side-
cropped) 4:3 video, as noted earlier when discussing the Resolution menu.
Hint: TriCaster’s Record feature can capture video from Output 2, as well as Output 1
(and individual cameras). Output 2 is a particularly flexible choice for capture purposes,
providing many useful alternatives see Chapter 20, Record and Grab.
Output 3 offers a subset of the options available for Outputs 1 and 2. Video menu
options include:
Cameras 1-(4 or 8)
Follow 1 or Follow 2
Choosing either Follow 1 or Follow 2 causes Output 3 to carry the same video source,
at the same resolution, as the ‘followed’ output. For SDI output only, audio from
output 3 can follow Output 1 or Output 2.
Note: The Analog Output menu for Output 3 always shows both Component and
Composite + Y/C options. (As you would expect, the latter options do not support HD
sources, and will fail if selected in that case.)
For 8-input TriCasters, Output 4 is labeled HDMI in the Output Configuration panel
as well as on TriCaster’s rear connection panel. Otherwise it is simply labeled HDMI.
HDMI Video and Audio menu options are similar to those listed for Output 3 above,