User Manual

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During playback, the border around successive playlist items illuminates as each is
played in turn. When necessary, the playlist pane scrolls to display the icon for the
currently playing item. A progress bar is displayed beneath the currently playing
thumbnail, and the Scrub-Bar knob also tracks playback progress.
Hint: Selection status is independent of which clip is playing. Selected items have a
white border in the Playlist pane.
Click the large + (Add Media) button beneath the playlist pane to open a custom
Media Browser (see Section 11.2.2). Alternatively, double-click in an empty part
of the Playlist pane.
Note: Add Media also supports compatible third-party asset management systems. Hold
down the keyboard Ctrl key when clicking the + sign to access these tools.
Newly-added files become selected items in the Playlist pane.
Drag (appropriate type) file(s) from one module’s playlist to another module.
Right-click in the playlist pane to show a menu with context relevant items from
the following list (operations affect selected playlist items):
o Cut
o Copy
o Paste
o Remove
o Set Display Name
o Clone
o Set Duration (Still image and title icons)
o Edit Title
o Send to > Buffer n (Still image and title icons see Section 11.4)
o Set Audio Level (clips with sound and audio icons)
o Add to Publish Queue see Section 19.3.
Standard Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete keystrokes are supported for playlist
Un-playable (missing, corrupt, or unsupported) file icons are dimmed.