User Manual

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Hint: Multi-selection is supported for most operations, including Set Duration (applies to
Still and Title only).
Interestingly, the playlist Set Display Name feature
edits a local alias, or ‘playlist nickname’. It does not
actually change the name of the file on your hard
drive. Roll the mouse over the icon display name to
see the true filename.
The playlist of the two DDRs and Sounds offer an
additional audio feature:
The icons of audio files (or clips with embedded
audio) will display a small configure (gear) icon at lower right. Click this icon to pop
up a small level slider (Figure 192).
Just beneath the playlist pane is a full-width Scrub-Bar (Figure 193). The width of
the scrub-bar represents the full run time of the current clip or other media file.
Drag the knob left or right to change time position in the current playlist item.
Initially, In and Out Point handles at either end of the Scrub-Bar are at their extreme
positions, marking the actual limits of the file on disk. Dragging the handles adjusts
timing for the selected item (multi-selections are ignored for trimming).
During playback, the Scrub-Bar knob traverses the span
between the In and Out Points. The duration (taking
into account trimming operations) is displayed in a
timecode field just to the left.