User Manual

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Images embedded in Title Pages may be locked, or they may be editable stand-ins.
When you roll the mouse over an embedded image and a yellow border is displayed
around the image, the image is a stand-in. Click a stand-in to open the File Browser,
and select a replacement image file.
You can check whether images are locked or unlocked (stand-ins), and toggle the
lock status. Hold down the Shift key while rolling around inside the Title Page.
With Shift depressed, a red border appears around any locked image under the
cursor. Stand-in (unlocked) images show a green border. To toggle the status for an
image, left-click it with Shift depressed.
If you right-click a stand-in image, a menu is presented that provides several
optional methods of fitting the source image to its frame. Choosing Stretch causes
the image to completely fill the frame. Fill Area retains the interested image’s
original aspect, cropping if necessary to fit inside the frame. Show All Image also
retains the original image aspect, but fits the entire source image inside the frame
(which may result in ‘pillar-boxing’ or ‘letter-boxing’).
TriCaster’s powerful Buffer system provides convenient alternative graphics and
animation sources for M/Es (including their associated Key channels), the Switcher’s