User Manual

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Pan is a very useful feature. It
adjusts placement of sound from
source audio channels on the stereo
channels comprising the audio
Using Pan, you can place all or part
of channel A onto channel B, and vice versa.
When Pan is set to the extreme left position for Input 1a, its audio is sent
exclusively to the first channel for the Input 1 group.
Centering the Pan knob labeled A splits the sound received by Input 1a
equally onto channels A and B.
Sliding Pan for Input 1a all the way to the right results in that source only
being audible on channel B, removing it completely from its original channel.
Pan also modulates the sound levels on the left and right channels so that the overall
volume neither rises nor drops as a result of adjustments.
Hint: Pan” is not the same as “Balance”. The balance control in a stereo system varies
the relative level of the left and right channels, but sound from the left channel will never
come out of the right speaker, or vice versa (whereas Pan does permit this to occur).
15.7.4 ROUTING
A control group labeled Routing appears below the Pan group in the first tabbed
pane (Input Settings) of the Audio Configuration panel for all sources.