User Manual

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Hint: The Audio Mixer also provides Compressor/Limiters for each input and output.
These can also be invaluable in defeating clipping due to over-modulation.
15.8.2 RECORD
The Record control group provides dedicated level modulation over the audio
recording chain applying to *most sources assigned to Output 1 and Output 2 in the
Output Configuration panel.
Again, this control group has no effect whatsoever on audio sent to output
connectors. Similarly, it does not impact audio levels in files which are configured
(in Record Configuration) to capture anything other than Output 1 and 2.
* When Output 1 and 2 are assigned (in Output Configuration) to use audio directly from
a designated TriCaster audio input (Input 1-8), the audio signal recorded is ‘pre-mixer’.
15.8.3 STREAM
The Stream controls provide a method of independently adjusting levels and
processing for (stereo) audio sent to the encoder when streaming is enabled.
Roll the mouse to the left edge of the screen in the Audio Mixer to show its MEM slot
bin. Audio MEM slots work just like their counterparts in the Media Players (see
Section 11.2.4). MEM slots are a convenient way to quickly store and recall audio
steps and settings for different venues, productions, and users.