User Manual

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Privacy mode allows the user to check e-mail, or perhaps view or arrange
something, without risk of the audience observing. The taskbar icon shows
a red indicator when Privacy mode is engaged.
Hint: If an image named “privacy.bmp (or privacy.jpg) exists in the folder that
iVGA is launched from, it will be sent. Otherwise the default privacy screen is
About displays information about the application.
Exit (exits the iVGA application)
16.1.4 HOTKEYS
In Region mode, it’s possible to zoom the marquee to several preset sizes (150%,
200%, 400%) using the hotkeys Right Ctrl + number pad 1, 2 or 3 (these hotkeys
enable Region mode).
Right Ctrl + (number pad) 0 selects the full screen for output. Pressing Right Ctrl +
(number pad) 5 toggles the Marquee display on/off (even if the control panel is
closed), while Right Ctrl + (number pad) 9 enables or disables the Follow Mouse
Tip: See Section A.1.14 for for information on troubleshooting iVGA issues.
AirPlay® is Apple’s protocol for getting audio and video from ‘here’ to ‘there’ –
specifically, from an AirPlay source (which may be an Apple® computer, or a mobile
device such as iPad®, iPod®, or iPhone®) to a second device.
The local network is the means of transmission between units, and a wireless
connection from the player to the network is perfectly acceptable. Typically, the
target device for AirPlay might be a television display or set of speakers, but in this
case, your TriCaster is the beneficiary. It basically works as follows: