User Manual

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You select the AirPlay entry in the Source menu for Net 1 or Net 2, just as you
would select an iVGA or LiveText source. (Unlike iVGA, embedded audio,
with level control, is supported.)
TriCaster identifies itself as a network client for AirPlay apps/applications.
You can then designate TriCaster as the output device for content played on
the device.
AirPlay streams audio, video, or both from the device to the local network,
and on to TriCaster.
The AirPlay output is available just like any other TriCaster Switcher source.
Consider just a few of the countless possibilities: Use your iPad® as a touch-driven
external (wireless) DDR, or capture video or snapshots on your iPhone®, and
instantly stream this content to the TriCaster.
Note: Please see Appendix A, Section A.1.14 for more on Airplay connections.
As we noted in the Walkthrough chapter (Section
4.6.2) a companion workstation on your
TriCaster network with LiveText standalone
installed serves as a dedicated CG and title
solution for your live presentations.
When running and connected, LiveText will be
listed in TriCaster’s Net 1 and Net 2 drop-down
menus, similar to an iVGA source. For more
information on installing and using LiveText,
please refer to its manual.