User Manual

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For Browser Based streaming, the encoding of your program into a stream for
transmission to the service provider (and ultimately beyond, to your Internet
audience) is performed by an applet running on the website.
As mentioned before, however, this arrangement often doesn’t give you as much
control or as many options as you might want. Other Connection Type options are
more hands-on in this respect, but require you to manually select related settings, as
discussed next for each type.
Hint: Password-protected streams are an option with certain CDN accounts. In some
cases (where Flash is used to provide the client side password support), using this option
will mean that iOS devices cannot view the stream. This is not a TriCaster issue, per se,
but something you can discuss with your streaming service if it arises.
Recall that the Stream control group in the Audio tab provides level control,
equalization and Compressor/Limiter tools that can help you deliver the best
possible sound to your listeners.
TriCaster can archive your live stream file as it is created. Enable the Archive File
switch in the Server control group, and supply a file name in the adjoining field. A
folder is automatically created (at D:\Media\Clips\sessionname\SavedStreams) to
receive the captured stream file.
Note: this option is not shown for Browser-based connections since archival services are
commonly offered by the CDN in that case.)
One of the best approaches when beginning (to stream your productions) is to
establish a relationship with a commercial streaming media provider. A good
provider can guide you past firewalls, provide public addresses for everyone to view
your stream, and provide no end of valuable guidance.