User Manual

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Before your stream can be seen - whether on a local intranet or the Internet - client
computers (or your service provider) need to be able to establish a network
connection with your TriCaster.
Ping is a humble but effective tool to ensure the basic connection exists, thus it can
help you with streaming, iVGA™ and LiveText connection issues, too (and it works
just fine in a multi-platform environment!)
Ping sends a small set of data packets to the target host (IP number), then ‘listens’
for an echo response in return. Ping estimates the round-trip time in milliseconds,
records any data losses, and displays a summary when finished.
Bottom line, if you can’t ‘ping’ your target, your connection has problems (the
problem might be as simple as a bad cable connection). To issue a ping, you need
know the IP number of the target computer.
Finding the target IP number
For Windows XP®
1. Select Run from the Windows® Start Menu (look in the Settings sub-menu if
it is not listed at the top level).
2. Type “cmd” (without the quotation marks) into the dialog, and press Enter
on the keyboard.
3. In the command shell that opens, type “ipconfig” (without the quotation
marks) and press Enter again.
4. The IP Address for the system will be reported in the window, along with
other data.
For Windows Vista® (or later)
1. Type “run” (without the quotation marks) into the Search field, then press
Enter on the keyboard.