User Manual

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Trackers provide motion data from defined color regions as they move about in the
frame in realtime. Lock other video sources to Tracker output using Position tools in
M/Es banks and DSKs and they will follow obediently.
The integrated Import Media module provides a convenient one-stop approach to
gathering productions assets.
Batch import media files for use in TriCaster’s Media Players.
Imported files are automatically categorized and sent to the correct
locations, making them easy to find and use during live productions.
Optionally transcode selected files to formats ensuring smooth playback.
TriCaster’s default Quicktime® video capture format makes cross-platform
workflows simple, and alternate recoding formats are available too. Sometimes,
though, you may still a different output format. TriCaster’s dedicated Export Media
function allows you to create a batch list of files for export, and additional file format
options for the exported media.
TriCaster provides extensive multi-channel audio control and management.
Adjust individual audio sources (internal and external) and introduce them
into your program manually or automatically.
Control output levels for program, headphones, auxiliary outputs, recording,
and stream separately.
Convenient mixer MEM slots allow single-click access to prepared setups.
Powerful and flexible audio follow video options.
Exclusive or latched Solo controls, including the ability to monitor audio
captured by the IsoCorder™ module.
Independent 7-band EQ and compressor/limiter for each source and output.
Multi-bus routing options.