User Manual

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Switcher row buttons are mutually exclusive, and the active selection button
remains lit. (The subordinate role of the DSK row is subtly reinforced by the use of
slightly smaller buttons.)
Hint: Hold down CTRL when clicking a button on the PREVIEW row to toggle LiveMatte
on/off for that source. Likewise, hold SHIFT while pushing a PREVIEW row button to
toggle its Proc Amp. Note that the source need not be actually selected on the PREVIEW
row to do this, and multi-selections are supported.
MAIN DSK DELEGATE button selections govern which DSK layer(s) the row is
currently controlling; or from another perspective which video layers the
selected source is assigned to.
Note: When possible, all related button selections (and illumination state) are updated to
show their current states when new delegate selections are first made. This is true for all
delegate groups.
(An exception is made when newly selecting multiple delegates with control settings that
do not initially match. For example, if DSK1 and DSK 2 have different sources assigned
and are newly multi-selected in the delegate group, no buttons on the DSK row are lit.)
The controls in this group are analogous to those in the corresponding area on the
Live Desktop, performing the same functions in much the same manner.
(In one deviation, switcher layer positioning is provided by a single, shared set of
Positioner tools, discussed later.)