User Manual

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Twist the joystick counter-clockwise to reduce cropping of delegated sources
on all 4 edges.
Move the joystick horizontally to crop only the left edge of delegated sources.
Move the joystick horizontally with the joystick button pressed to crop only
the right edge of delegated sources.
Move the joystick vertically to crop only the top edge of delegated sources.
Move the joystick vertically with the joystick button pressed to crop only the
bottom edge of delegated sources.
Hint: For finer control, hold down CTRL when operating the joystick. This will increase its
sensitivity by a factor of 10.
Despite its location, RESET is really an action button (not a Joystick mode). Press it
to restore all position settings for currently delegated source(s) to their defaults.
(This is also why RESET does not stay selected when pressed, nor does it change the
current Joystick mode.
The two special delegate selections also work differently with RESET:
When VIRTUAL ZOOM is delegated, the Zoom preset for delegated M/Es) is
reset to the #1 preset.
When SHUTTLE is delegated, selected Media Players are reset to the starting
point of the current item (or playlist).
While using the joystick in most POSITIONER DELEGATE modes, many adjustments
are temporarily shown on the Live Desktop’s Preview monitor.
The Preview monitor reverts to its default display a few moments after releasing the
joystick to its at-rest position.