User Manual

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TW-42 NOTES There is no corresponding DDR 1/DDR 2 button on TW-42. Multi-
delegating DDRs is not supported with this control surface.
In general, these buttons operate on selected playlist content
in the currently delegated DDR (see Section 22.5.2).
Remove Push to remove currently selected entries from
the delegated DDR’s playlist (selected items are not
deleted from the hard drive, however).
TW-42 NOTES The Remove button is labeled RMV on TW-42.
Copy Push to copy currently selected playlist items into the Paste buffer.
Paste Push to insert Paste buffer content into the playlist of the delegated DDR
Esc close any popup dialog or text entry item.
Hint: These four buttons are also ‘action buttons that is, pushing one of them has an
immediate effect (but unlike a radio button, the operation is complete on release, and
does not remain in force).
TW-42 NOTES There are no Copy, Paste or Esc buttons on TW-42.
As you would expect, the speed preset buttons in this group (marked 25%, 33%,
50%, 75% and 100%) govern the playback rate of the active DDR.
Speed preset buttons are mutually exclusive, and establish a playback mode. They
do not initiate playback; rather, the playback speed you choose is applied when
subsequently press Play.