User Manual

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to consider the tools available in different Knob Set modes.
22.6.13 EQ CONTROL
TriCaster provides independent 7-band equalization along with
Compressor/Limiter features for each source. And Artist Mix lets
you access the controls without ever touching the TriCaster user
To display EQ controls, it will probably come as no surprise by this point that you
need to push the EQ button in the Knob Set control group.
The OLED display will now appear as seen in Figure 380. Normally, all 7 bands for a
single input are shown in this manner. In this mode, the knobs below the graph in
each group control the setting for a single EQ band, shown above.
Note that the label for one input is highlighted in the OLED display. (For example,
Figure 381 shows a highlight behind the Line 1 label; Line 2 is not highlighted.)
This highlight identifies the currently selected source. Any adjustments made in this
state affect the EQ settings for the selected source only. In this fashion, you can
easily adjust all settings for one source. To select a particular source (such as Input
1 or 2) for adjustment, press the button labeled SEL to the left of the fader in the
control surface slot with the corresponding label above.