User Manual

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Afterward, the backup drive can be removed and stored, to be used later if
necessary to i) restore the internal drive should, or ii) in the case of a catastrophic
drive failure, to be connected internally to completely replace the original drive.
Note: Since opening TriCaster’s case is a breach of warranty, please call Customer
Service to obtain direction before proceeding with an internal drive replacement.
The actual creation process for the backup is discussed in the next section.
We firmly expect you will never need it, but isn’t it good to know that
comprehensive TriCaster Restore features are available in the event of an
unforeseen problem? You can use one of two methods to access TriCaster’s Restore
features, depending on your situation.
To restore your TriCaster system software after the system launches normally:
1. Click the Shut Down icon on the Home Page of the Startup Screen.
2. Click the Administrator Mode link at right to exit the TriCaster environment.
3. In the Administrator Mode screen, select the link labeled Backup or Restore
4. Select the Restore Factory Defaults bootup option.
If TriCaster should ever fail to boot up properly, you may need to try a different
approach to restore your TriCaster system software, as follows:
1. Select the menu item labeled Restore Factory Defaults from the black boot
screen that appears shortly after powering TriCaster up. (If this screen does
not automatically appear, reboot and press F8 a few times in quick
succession, say once per second, immediately after powering up.)
Either method described above will ultimately present you with powerful system
backup and restore tools. The management screen initially presents you with 3
options as follows: