User Manual

Acknowledgments: Tim Jenison, Jim Plant
Engineering: Andrew Cross, Alvaro Suarez, Bennie Pierce, Bob Peene, Brian Brice, Cary
Tetrick, Charles Steinkuehler, Dan Fletcher, Greg Heine, James Killian, Jan Uribe, Jarrod
Davis, Jeremy Brosius, Jeremy Wiseman, John Perkins, Karen Zipper, Kevin Rouviere, Kirk
Morger, Kristen Perez, Mahdi Mohajer, Masaaki Konno, Menghua Wang, Michael Joiner,
Michael Watkins, Mike Murphy, Nathan Kovner, Naveen Jayakumar, Robert Sitton, Ryan
Hansberger, Shawn Wisniewski, Steve Bowie, Todd Bryant, Troy Stevenson
Design Consultants: Kris Gurrad, Joe de Max , John Powell
Additional thanks to: NewTek Marketing, Sales, Business Development, Customer
Support, Training and Development, and Operations
This product uses the following libraries, licensed under the LGPL license (see link
below). For the source, and the ability to change and recompile these components,
please visit the links provided:
FreeImage library
LAME library
FFMPEG library
For a copy of the LGPL licence, please look in the folder c:\TriCaster\LGPL\
Portions use Microsoft Windows Media Technologies. Copyright (c)1999-2008 Microsoft
Corporation. All Rights reserved. VST PlugIn Spec. by Steinberg Media Technologies
This product uses Inno Setup. Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Jordan Russell. All rights
Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved. Inno Setup is
provided subject to its license, which can be found at: