User Manual

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Pins 1-(4 or 8) are ‘hot’ when the LED should be illuminated.
Each LED pin 1 (4 or 8) has a 200 ohm current limiting resistor inside TriCaster.
With no load (open circuit) the LED pins can reach 5V. With a typical LED load,
they can be expected to reach about 3V.
GPI stands for General Purpose Interface. Pins 11 and 12 are assigned for
possible future use as GPI1 and GPI2 connections, but support for GPI triggers
has not been implemented in TriCaster at this time.)
To prevent damage to TriCaster’s components when making external
connections to the tally light jacks, care should be taken that connection to Pins
designated GND (Ground) are always at ground potential.
If TriCaster is not already running, power it up now to reveal the Startup Screen. (If
TriCaster is already running, and is in the Live Desktop or another area of the
interface, you may need to click the small [x] button at upper-right to exit, or click
the Back arrow at upper-left in the Session Page to return to the Home Page.)
The Startup Screen consists of two similar pages Home and Session. Among other
things, the Home Page is where you choose basic TriCaster session settings (see
Section 5.1 for a discussion of sessions).
When no previously created sessions exist, the icon ring dominating the Home Page
defaults to New, inviting you to create a new session.