User Manual

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4. Find the icon named “3tone_quad.WAV in the file pane. This is a four
channel audio file, with a mid-range tone on channel 1, a higher tone on
channel 2, while both channels 3 and 4 both carry a lower tone.
5. Select the icon for this file, and click OK to add this audio file to the playlist.
6. Turn on the Single and Loop switches below the DDR 1 playlist.
7. To avoid any confusion in our little experiment, let’s eliminate all other
sounds for now. Click the Audio Mixer tab, and Mute any inputs that show
live audio on their respective VU meters by clicking the speaker icons in the
titlebar of each control group so they show red background (Figure 47).
8. Make sure audio for DDD 1 player is not muted.
9. Set DDR 1’s Volume sliders to 0dB VU (you can do this quickly by holding
down the keyboard Shift key while double-clicking the Volume knobs).
10. Click the DDR 1 tab again, and click the Play button in the DDR 1 pane.
If you have stereo speakers or headphones connected, you should now hear two
distinct tones a mid-range tone from the left, and a higher pitched tone from the
11. The VU meter for DDR 1 in the Audio Mixer tab will show matching sound on
all four channels.
4.5.2 PAN
The Audio Mixer’s Pan control is provided in the advanced Audio Configuration