User's Manual

and the message icon will be shown on the screen and
flashed. Before you can receive new messages, delete
some of your old messages in the inbox folder. If the
capacity of new messages is beyond the capacity of the
inbox, the information will be lost and incomplete.
In message list, press the OK key to read the selected
message, press the Left soft key [Options] to make the
following menu:
-View: view the current message
-Reply: Reply SMS to the message sender directly.
-Delete: delete the selected message.
-Copy to phone/SIM: copy the selected message to
-Move to phone/SIM: move the selected message to
-Delete all: delete all messages in inbox.
-Copy all: copy all messages from SIM to phone or from
phone to SIM.
-Move all: move all messages from SIM to phone or from
phone to SIM.
-Mark several: mark one message or several messages
to delete.
Not send SMS or sent successfully SMS, will be stored in
the mail within, the operation is the same with inbox
5.4 Message settings
Profile settings: You can choose either of two modes,
custom different parameters, including the model name,
short message center number, Validity period and
Message type.
Common settings:
Delivery report: Open the function, after a successful send
text messages, the system will return to report.
Reply path: If the network allows, open the function, the
recipient receives a text message, the system will send a
confirmation message.
Save sent message: open the function, After the success
of SMS will be automatically saved in the Outbox.
5.5 Memory status
can view the memory storage status.
5.6 Voice mail
When you can not answer the phone, automatically
incoming calls to voice mail number, you can let the other
party to your message, a message stored in the network's
voice mail system, and afterwards, you can access the
voice mail system to listen to a message.
Into the voice mail sub-menu, you can see the current
voice message (up to the establishment of two voice mail)
Voice mail function needs the support of network operator,
you may need to subscribe to the service. For details,
please contact with the operator.
Broadcast message is sent by network operators, public
information, this function needs the network operator
support, please contact the network operator. Using the
cell broadcast service, you can receive from the network
operator information on various topics, such as weather,
taxis, hospitals and so on. For information on available
topics, please consult your local network operator.