User's Manual

Ring Vibration then Ring as the
current ring mode.
z Ring Type: You can choose any one
from single, repeat and ascending as
the current ring type.
z Extra Tone: You can have on/off
settings on Warning Tone, Error Tone,
camp on Tone and Call Connect
Tone so as to have corresponding
tone tips.
z Answer Mode: You can choose
whether to use any key to answer.
After individualized settings, choose
“Activate” in “Select” to start profiles.
Note: After the headset is inserted into
the mobile phone, the mobile phone will
automatically change into headset
profile. Unplug the headset to return to
the previous profile.
In standby state, you can press # key to
switch to silence profile and again to the
previous profile.
Network Settings
Network Selection: You can search
the network again. Select your favorite