Product Manual

There are two types of modes to select.
Primary Mode Should be used when pump is the primary pump.
NexPump WILL NOT display or sound an alert if pump(s) are
Backup Mode - Used when pump is a backup pump. NexPump
WILL display and sound an alarm if pump(s) are activated.
To select a mode use the left and right arrows and press ENTER
when cursor is over desired position.
Information Menu
Note: If you have a notification unit please see the Notification Guide for additional screens.
The information menu has specific information on your system
including stats, serial number, alert history, etc.
To select the information menu use the up, down arrows until you
see information menu on the third display line, then press ENTER.
First line will display current system type.
SN= stands for the serial number of the system
The last line will indicate the current version of the system.
This screen has the current stats of your pumps
Pump 1= is the current run hours on pump 1
Pump 2= is the current run hours on pump 2
Type= will either have an ‘H’ or ‘U’ depending on the system.
‘H' = High capacity, 'U' = Ultra capacity)
(00)= indicates how many times the pump has gone over 2500 hours.
The pump is rated at 2500 hours.
CPU=current power up days of the system
TPU= total power up days of the system
Auto Tests= amount of self-tests the system has preformed
Man Tests= amount of manual tests the system has preformed
Man Tests= amount of manual tests the system has preformed
Mode ? Back Prim
System Type
Version Type
Pump 1=0000H (00)
Pump 2=0000H (00)
CPU=00123 Days
TPU=00123 Days
Auto Tests=00123
Man Tests=00123
Information Menu?