Installation Guide

Installing the Tapered Pins in the Floating Lid
What Are the Tapered Pins, and Why Use Them?
The two 1½” x ¼” Steel Threaded Tapered Pins are used IN PLACE OF SCREWS to hold your cabinet top (lid) in place on the Lift
System Top Plate (Part #8). The Tapered Pins will keep your lid firmly in place, but will also allow it to separate from the lift system
if anything (like a finger) gets in the way when the TV lowers. See Safety Notice above. Please do NOT use screws with your cabinet
Before You Install the Tapered Pins, Here is a Reminder of the Two Types of Floating Lids (Floating Tops):
Floating Lid (Floating Top) The whole top of the cabinet sits on top of the Lift System and raises/lowers with the TV.
Cut-Out Floating Lid (Top) This option assumes that you have “cut out” part of your cabinet top, customizing it to the size of your
TV. That cut-out lid then sits on the Top Plate of the Lift System, held in place by the Taper Pins, and raises/lowers with the TV. You
must set up a “catch” for the Cut-Out Lid so that when the TV lowers, the Lid stops level with the rest of your cabinet top (like a
manhole cover), and the Lift System continues down a little further into the cabinet (no more than ¼” to ½”). In this way, when the
Lift System is fully retracted, the Cut-Out Lid will always be level, and the Top Plate of the Lift System will always be positioned just
below the Lid. Since the Lid and the Top Plate are slightly separated from one another, but still very close, the Taper Pins (which are
1½” long) will still be hanging down through the holes in the Top Plate so when the Lift System moves, everything is properly aligned
and the Lid rides smoothly up and down.