User's Manual

Nexxt Solutions – Wireless-N 3G router
Click the Enable All button to activate all entries.
Click the Disabled All button to cancel all entries.
Click the Delete All button to erase all entries.
You can change the entry’s order as desired. Fore entries are before hind entries. Enter the
ID number in the first box you want to move and another ID number in second box you want
to move to, and then click the Move button to change the entry’s order.
Click the Next button to go to the following page, or click the Previous button to return to the
last page.
For example: If you wish to allow the host with MAC address 00-11-22-33-44-AA to access only from 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturdays and Sundays, and forbid other
hosts in the LAN from accessing the Internet, you should follow the steps as described below:
Figure 10-2 Add or Modify Internet Access Control Entry
Click Access Control Host on the left to open the Host Settings page. Add a new entry
identified as Host_1, using 00-11-22-33-44-AA as the MAC Address.
Click Access Control Target on the left to enter the Target Settings page. Add a new
identified as Target_1, using as the Domain Name.
Click Access Control Schedule on the left to open the Schedule Settings page. Add a
new entry identified as Schedule_1. The days are Sat. and Sun. Start Time is 1800 and
Stop Time is 2000.
Click Access Control Rule on the left to return to the Access Control Rule Management
page. Select Enable Internet Access Control and choose Deny the packets not specified
by any access control policy to pass through the router.
Click the Add New button to insert a new rule as follows:
In the Rule Name field, create a name for the rule. Note that this name should be
unique, for example Rule_1.
In the Host field, select Host_1.
In the Target field, select Target_1.
In the Schedule field, select Schedule_1.
In the Action field, select Allow.
In the Status field, select Enable.
Click Save to complete your settings.