User's Manual

1. Using keys ▲■▼on a remote control, move the awning to the position that you wish
to memorise as “I”.
2. Press and hold down (approx. 5 seconds) key until you hear the beep.
3. Release and then press again key for 5 more seconds until you hear 4 short beeps.
4. Press keys and simultaneously until 3 beeps signal that the position has
been memorised. 5s
Table “A4” Programming the intermediate position “I” (fig 10) Example
4.3) Optional programming
Optional programming operations can only be performed after the “0” and “1” positions have been programmed
4.3.1) Memorising the intermediate position “I”
If an intermediate position “I” has been memorised, the awning can be moved to the programmed position by simultaneously pressing keys
and on the transmitter.
To memorise the intermediate position proceed as follows:
1. Press and hold down key on a previously memorised transmitter until you hear a beep
(approx. 5 seconds). 5s
2. Release and then press again key for 5 more seconds until you hear 4 short beeps.
3. Press key until 3 beeps signal that the RDC function has been activated.
Table “A5” Programming the RDC torque reduction function (fig 11) Example
4.3.2) Programming RDC torque reduction during the closing operation
Torque reduction is a programmable function that decreases motor torque by approximately 50% just before the awning closes completely,
to prevent excessive stretching of the fabric.
1. Press and hold down key on a previously memorised transmitter until you hear a beep
(approx. 5 seconds). 5s
2. Release and then press again key for 5 more seconds until you hear 4 short beeps.
3. Press keys and simultaneously until 5 beeps signal that the intermediate position
has been erased.
Table “A6” Erasing intermediate position “I” (fig 10) Example
4.3.3) Erasing the positions or the RDC function
To modify the previously memorised positions, first you need to erase them, then you must reprogram the new positions.
1. Press and hold down key on a previously memorised transmitter until you hear a beep
(approx. 5 seconds). 5s
2. Release and then press again key for 5 more seconds until you hear 4 short beeps.
3. Press key until 5 beeps signal that positions “0” and “1” has been erased.
WARNING: After positions “0” and “1” have been erased, the awning will only move by manual control, therefore a
new position must be memorised.
Note: if you have programmed an intermediate position “I” and the RDC function, these will not be erased. If you wish to erase all (including
the transmitter codes) see table “A9.”
Table “A7” Erasing positions “0” and “1” (fig 12) Example
1. Press and hold down key on a previously memorised transmitter until you hear a beep
(approx. 5 seconds). 5s
2. Release and then press again key for 5 more seconds until you hear 4 short beeps.
3. Press key until 5 beeps signal that the RDC function has been deactivated.
Note: Now the awning will close at full power
Table “A8” Erasing the RDC torque reduction function (fig 11) Example